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M r. F a r m e r

Nature's Bounty. Nutritious Delights

Made in Sri Lanka

Our strengths


Mr. Farmer Frozen French Fries is strategically located in Bandarawela, an ideal climate for potato cultivation. This location provides multiple advantages, such as a readily available supply of raw materials due to the proximity to farms that grow potatoes. The short distance between the harvest and the manufacturing facility is a key factor in maintaining the utmost freshness of the potatoes, preserving their flavor and quality.

Having 235 Farmers as Shareholders

The initiative has garnered widespread support from the local community, with society rallying around the project to foster further development. The involvement of 235 farmers as shareholders, alongside the 13 board members, demonstrates a significant level of empowerment. This collective ownership structure ensures that important decisions are made collaboratively, contributing to overall development and continuous improvement in production.

Industry up-to-date Production Facility

The company boasts a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility that is aligned with the latest technological advancements in the industry. This commitment to staying at the forefront of technology enhances the precision and maintains optimal quality standards in production, ensuring sustainability and long-term success.

Support from SAPP & IFAD

Central to the success of this venture is the consistent support provided by the Small Agricultural Partnership Program (SAPP) & International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). This support has been instrumental in enabling the company to establish a robust production facility and develop the capacity to compete internationally.

Involvement of Governmental Bodies

The guidance and support from various government bodies have been instrumental in shaping the technological know-how and expertise of the company. This partnership has provided the necessary skills development for the staff, access to cutting-edge technology, and continuous updates on industry norms. The government's dedication to fostering homegrown businesses serves as a motivating force for the team to strive for further growth and success.

Our Staff

The skilled and committed staff are pivotal to the achievements of Mr. Farmer Frozen French Fries. Their dedication ensures that the products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, following stringent hygiene protocols from start to finish.

Sole Business Venture of this nature

As the sole homegrown agro-food value-added business venture in Sri Lanka, Mr. Farmer Frozen French Fries stands as a beacon of success and an exemplar of how collaborative efforts, technological advancement, government support, and skilled human resources can come together to create a thriving and impactful enterprise.